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LAMBO Owner Chosen Today LIVE! 🌫
We're going live in just a few hours with a stream where we'll choose the winners of the first MemeFi Grand Giveaway!
🍀Here's the kicker:
YOU need to be online to WIN - we're going to call the winners via Telegram and they need to respond WITHIN 1 MINUTE or lose their prize!
⚠️Make sure:
1. you have a Telegram HANDLE in Settings -> My Account -> Username
2. you've allowed CALLs in Settings for everybody!
Lamborghini Aventador SV for 1 MemeFi Chad and $50k for tens of lucky winners (exact number to be determined on stream)
The winner selection is going to be transparent af and done via on-chain Chainlink Provable Fairness functionality. If you're a Web3 nerd, check this contract: ⤵️
We're going to call the winners on stream and give $USDT prizes and choose the lambo winner IF they respond WITHIN 1 MINUTE. If not, another winner will take their prize.
⚠️Make sure you're online during the stream and have enabled Calls in Settings for everybody!
Join the stream today at 16:00 UTC to claim your victory!
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